**** Canadians I assure you this is going to sound harsh but is really just a way for you to honestly look at what I’m saying figure it out go look for yourself and then decide you know what that’s right or wrong if I’m wrong you tell me but I don’t mind being wrong fuck hell I wish I was wrong about everything I thought I knew this day will come, our inability to be aware of things other people and what really is going on is going to fuck us with a fucking lying ass bastard over there who would love to come and rape us and there is people in our politics who already does it but holy cow Batman if Trump is able to succeed in getting his foot in our door what he’s trying hard right now all because Canadians were too easily fooled more so than me because we’ve seen everything we’ve had way more chance to know what’s going on and be prepared and you know the only one person prepared for that the only people who are prepared for this and had a whole plan in place I continue using by the liberal party we’re taking a new place on the world states we’re taking huge business that the United States used to have and our natural gas we’ve got new partners nowhere in my Disneyland Head do I think in our currently place right now would anybody have been smart enough to have that strategy other than deliverables it’s just plain fact and listen every year go look at the records every year a little party comes in and gives us great shit like free tuition or better way better employment standards for us better healthcare more teachers we find something to go and we immediately vote them out and immediately come back to ps and rape that whole shit and take it all out I don’t know what this is about clean politics and this not even that I’m talking about I didn’t even have to look all that stuff up I was just why we have preschool Catherine was doing that so I knew what we had with the liberals not because I did too big investigations it’s just a matter of little little bit of interest I was able to pay attention I knew what she was doing I know what we had and when this duck guy came along I thought wait a minute we just got some very stuff we’ve never ever had we’ve never ever had everybody in the world raves about free education in Denmark and then another country over there it’s like the model epitome on how to educate and empower your whole population with the ability to be educated and quickly out there and productive and happy you know so you know some people just don’t wanna be happy they wanna finger point and be right . again you lived in Scotia doing that you have to come correct cause you could punch out right quick you have to find a new place to live being a goof like that hurting your own community get the hell bout.. the meaning of respect there is a respect you immediately until there’s some reason for me to lose it but here it’s I don’t respect anybody until they can earn it and that very thing right there is why that goofy does fingerprint or something will be told right quick and you’re giving him one fucking chance but ain’t no Scotia gonna tolerate someone looking at his face in lying to him and expecting them believe it that is like one of the biggest insoles and signs of disrespect you do so as Nova Scotia all I can say is this whole Ontario you know how many people have come out to me that don’t earn from here they’re new here and they meet me hell you know oh yeah I came here I’ve been here for 25 years and eventually it only takes about 3 to 4 weeks max a month for them to look at me and say Shannon and then I said why knowing something is coming the latest person who’s leaving actually 41 an hour of leaving his college job because of the mean culture up there people are just mean to each other he just can’t stand it is a good place to work but because of that he’s leaving and he said in his first month last year when he got here he goes I don’t know what it is about people in this town there’s something different like they’re so so …..arrogant . I said huh of all the things I’ve heard you’re the first to say arrogant but it’s pretty much the same thing I know exactly what you mean. Mind you I’ve met enough people to have found good people that aren’t anything like that very kind caring people but I’ve lived all across Canada and every community for Vancouver Nova Scotia now here and I will openly state it’s just there’s no way to get around it there’s something different or in the water in Ontario when it comes to You know the clickiness or the the lack of concern for only me or only my group it’s like you know let’s get it fuck all the rest kind of attitude it’s just really weird never seen anything like it anywhere else in Canada and it’s difficult to explain to an Ontario who lived here all their lives because they don’t realize that something else totally different exist so I get that Everybody’s a product of their environment I’m not blaming you but I’m saying I’m suggesting like the people I do know that are nice on that like to solid made a couple solid people that I say was be solid for life the man I’ve been here 20 years it took like 15 years to find a person like that I’m watching people hang around with each other calling each other friends , but then end up if there’s any slight advantage in doing so transactionally stabbing a person in the back to make themselves look good to get what they need it’s so messed up and I’m telling you with these devices in our hands this is why we’re here we believe we don’t know what to believe anymore the algorithms have got full attention all of our information we slowly given away over the last 12 years to the handful of people that control the whole world data we gotta be hyper village in right we gotta be hyper we got a more we gotta if somebody tells you something about somebody never believe it instantly make sure you know it’s true and if you find out that was wrong and that somebody was lying to you punch that motherfucker out he’s just trying to make you look like a goof . but if you do find out the guys right 100% and nothing less than do you take on the position to be echoing in his settlements otherwise never man that’s what makes bullshit is bullshitters straight up right there. this is just about one way I always know if I’m in the company of a bullshitter is one being friendly to somebody in front of me and when the person leaves I’m talking behind their back I never say fuck all that person and I would never trust him with shit from that moment on.
That one thing alone will make swimming man start walking straight all day. Your game will be so much tighter a man walking straight people can tell you will be trusted you will have far more gain in those who respect the way you move if this is not apply to you and you saw it is still already bro I’ll meet you someday
Solid is solid it does
other in the back all the time like what the hell is
out they sayabout something wrong that’s not stop that shit OK bye OK bye love to pretend not to be part of that but make backroom deals with that and surely get rich by accommodating him if a man lies to us over and over and over that’s a Trump man simple. but didn’t wanted to come and here we are
This is no time to be righteous and heating on something because everybody’s doing it when it’s completely utterly false and it’s time to give credit or credit is due if you even know because you didn’t 65 even vote 65% and when you did vote you put the fucking stupid guy in charge so I’m trying to tell you guys wake up man this is serious shit you got one man with a country defenceless right who has to step up from way over there to come over here and fucking look a common man bullshitter in the fucking face and I was smart and right in front of everybody with bigger balls than anybody’s ever had in so far as humanity and care for us all And the Ukrainian citizens dying for their freedom that were over here willy-nilly not knowing what’s going on is Connor you know straight up crazy man let’s just be real man let’s not start eating all the dogs and shit. I’m trying to help I’m exasperated I don’t wanna be doing this I fucking hate politics all my life but when you gotta do something you gotta do something for your country I’m trying to do this for you we are shooting selves in foot please please be informed in the world not an investigative news reporting world that spent time detailing accomplishments of each of our things and who does what none of them recommend anybody but liberal they can’t figure us out The way he handled being ready for that turf that hold apart the way they adjust it quicker than lightning to have us in a global good bargaining position for trade it’s the only reason we’re not gonna be totally depressed when she goes down that cause we anchor some shit he basically saved us so I doubt any other party would’ve managed that I don’t think any other party would’ve had the foresight to do that because they’re greedy billionaire grabbing money huggers And they don’t think what’s best for everybody is no how much money can we suck from everybody that’s the motto
We have the lesson right in front of our face with the neck closest country to the hot mess over there we have a front row seat to how not to be human but yet we do not even know what’s going on let’s go people let’s go
If you knew how hard it was for me to type out shit like this due to my MS , never-ending kind of electricity in arms right down to especially my hands and fingers . The loss of my fine coordination plus my sense of touch is forever changed so that I have to look at what I’m touching before I know what it is
Just saying I’m putting in the effort real effort this is no fun it’s all for us. And it’s the least I can do I don’t want praise for it at all I just hope it helps you appreciate our freedom and pay more attention what is good or not good to our country in a time we’re the only man with big balls in the White House left to go back and continue to walk talk and be the man he promises people he would be just like his people other people they promised him would be they don’t gotta worry about Twitter and bullshit and lies they just walk straight and with nothing but doing that shows another big bullshit liar self declare king of his own people in order to rape until it’s other people and murder our children in order to have tubes for his war
Everythinfg there was children in the White House wannabe. But I’m sure as he probably has before on TV he continued in the comfort of his gold palace back in Russia to have a huge laugh at Trump courtesy a a comedian who show them they never had any big balls in that building. You got big balls real big balls you never have to tell anybody is a lesson here.. I will